Therefore, the capability of ensuring quality should be the most important thing to consider of when you are looking for oversea suppliers. Here, we will highlight a few suggestions.
We are strong believers that quality does not simply reside in the Final Quality Check nor in the price tag. Quality watches start from the design board to the components sourcing and then on attention to details at every steps of the manufacturing.
Offering with competitive prices is an outstanding point when you are checking suppliers and it makes no sense to switch the production line if you are not decreasing costs significantly. However, lower cost won’t always come with shitty quality but these two things is relevant.
As a manufacturer that cares about quality. What they will do is to dive deep to understand your project in terms of each different components, your requirements and quality standards etc., and find the price point which is [a.] much lower than what you have domestically and [b.] without going too low to have a good quality outcome.
It sounds cliche but there’s no harm to get as deep as you can to check the capabilities of manufactures. What we suggest here is to set up a quick call to walk through things which is really productive based on following reasons.
[a.] There’s no preparation
in a call. You can instantly know if they know what they are doing by simply
throwing a few questions to the manufacturer.
[b.] It’s even better if they have good speaking skill. Customized manufacturing requires certain level of speaking during the development phrase and you certainly don’t want to work with manufacturer that’s having problem in communication.
Other than prices, streamlined process and communication skill, the manufacturer should have outstanding point that set it apart from their competitors. In Sun’s Watch factory, we have our outstanding points for sure. Let’s schedule a quick call if you are looking for a reliable manufacturing partner to bring your watch from designs to reality!
Thank You!